
General Terms and Conditions


These General Terms and Conditions apply to all offers of LTG Switzerland. We reserve the right to make changes to these terms and conditions. The latest terms and conditions are always available on the website


Version February, 2020.


The number of participants per course is limited. Registrations will be considered in the order in which they are received. Every registration (verbally, in writing or via online form), is binding. By registering, the general terms and conditions of LTG are accepted and the course participants agree to follow and support the admission procedure for course participants.

Course start

If no other information has been provided, LTG language courses can be started at any time.

Learning guidance, placement- and final tests

Learning counseling, placement interviews as well as placement- and final tests are offered free of charge as part of the LTG language courses.

Invoices, payments

The course’s costs, or at least the first payment installment, must be paid in full before the course starts. An installment payment can be agreed upon at registration. All installments must be paid on time in accordance with the payment plan; access to LTG’s offers may be suspended until all agreed upon payments have been made. In the event of delays in payment, the right to any discounts shall lapse and additional administration fees shall become due.


Only the current prices and offers published on the LTG website or documents apply. We reserve the right to make changes. A cumulation of promotions and discounts is excluded.

Cancellation of language courses or seminars

Cancellations for courses must be made in writing. The following amounts/costs are to be paid or owed to LTG in the event of cancellation, non-participation or withdrawal from courses or training courses:


30 or more days prior to course start: 30%. 29 to 15 calendar days before course start: 40%. 14 to 8 calendar days prior to course start: 50%. 7 to 1 calendar days before course start: 80%. After course start: 100%.

4% extra for all cancellations for payments made through this website.

Cancellations and withdrawals do not release from the obligation to pay. In consultation with the course director, a replacement participant can be provided.

Registration and cancellation of private lessons

Cancellations must be made in person or in writing at least 5 days in advance. Otherwise, the lessons will be charged in full. It is possible to book a more flexible course planning for an additional CHF 10 per lesson at the start of the contract.


In this case, cancellations must be made in person or in writing at least 24 hours in advance. A private lesson usually lasts 60 or 90 minutes. Private lessons expire 6 months after signing the contract / starting the classes

Exclusion from the course

The school management reserves the right to exclude one or more course participants from a course. In that case, the entire course fee is due, meaning neither a pro rata refund nor a remission of the course fee takes place. Course exclusion can take place due to non-payment of the course fee and in other serious cases (defamation, harassment, deliberate damage to property, etc.).

Conditions of implementation

LTG reserves the right to postpone or cancel the course up to 3 days before the start of the course without giving reasons. In such cases, LTG may decide whether to fully refund any course fees already paid or to offer an alternative course. Further claims of the registered participants are excluded.


If the group size falls below the minimum, LTG reserves the right to cancel the course or, with the understanding of all course participants, to conduct the course with increased course fees anyway. Alternatively, the number of lessons can be reduced.

Course organization

For organizational reasons, we reserve the right to postpone or merge classes, to relocate the location or to shorten courses in the event of a percentage refund of the course fee or to conduct them in cooperation with partners or have them carried out by third parties.


We reserve the right to replace the teacher temporarily or permanently by another teacher. Further claims of the registered participants are excluded.


We reserve the right to urgently cancel group or individual classes if the teacher is currently unavailable or has an emergency.

Course confirmation

After attending at least 80% of a course’s lessons and successfully completing the level test (at least 60%), we issue course participants with a course certificate stating the duration and content of the course.

Video and audio recordings

No photo, video or audio recordings may be made in any premises of LTG without the express consent of LTG. LTG reserves the right to use images for promotional purposes.

Liability and insurance

The instruction and the stay in the premises of LTG, the use of the facilities and equipment including computers and monitors, the visit of excursions and excursions is at your own risk.


LTG accepts no liability for damage, loss or theft of objects. Health and accident insurance is the responsibility of the course participant.


The course participants are personally liable for any damage caused to premises, equipment, devices and materials.

Place of Jurisdiction

Swiss law applies to all legal relationships. Place of jurisdiction is Geneva.

Severability clause

If a provision is invalid, the validity of the remaining provisions shall not be affected by this. An invalid provision shall be replaced by a legally permissible provision that comes as close as possible to the will of the party.

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