
How to engage in online language learning

LTG AcademyFrench Language How to engage in online language learning
LTG Academy How to engage in online language learning

How to engage in online language learning

The internet era provided us with an abundance of possibilities to gather information and learn. It has never been this easy to learn anything you want in a matter of seconds, but this great achievement has brought us some trouble as we are inherently prone to get distracted and overstimulated. That is the topic we will address today – how to actually engage in online language learning effectively!

This article will provide you with insights based on years of experience in getting and remaining engaged while studying online. We are going to address two components we consider the most important to find success learning online: 

LTG Academy How to engage in online language learning

Know yourself – 3 different types of learners 

Diversity is one of the terms we often use to describe humanity. Learning isn’t an exception to this rule. We are all different and prefer different styles of learning, but the majority of students can be categorized into one of the three categories we present here: 

1) Endurance learners 

Endurance learners are comparable to endurance athletes. If you are an endurance learner, you are the kind of person capable of powering through any task and defying all odds with your invincible will. The truth is, not many people fit this description. 

If you by any chance do, the best way for you to approach online learning is to find a suitable program with experienced teachers and supplement this with comprehensive guides for studying your target language based on your primary language and goals. You can supplement this primary means of learning with online apps and TV shows appropriate for your level. Work on all four language skills and correct your shortcomings as soon as they become apparent. What you want to achieve is full immersion and it may lead to overstimulation at first, but your brain will adapt as you familiarize yourself with all the new concepts you pick up. 

2) Interval learners 

Interval learners prefer to study in intervals with varying levels of intensity. This style of learning isn’t always a matter of preference. Sometimes life gets in the way of your studying goals and compromises have to be made. Most people belonging to this type will experience periods of intensive studying followed by periods of rest.

If this describes your style of studying, you will be best off starting with an intensive online course to get the basics right. Don’t go too broad. Stay focused on the most impactful concepts and facts you need to acquire and learn them well. Then you can use periods of rest to review and expand your knowledge using less intensive methods for online learning such as apps and TV shows appropriate for your level. Students preferring high and low-intensity periods are similar to endurance learners in terms of methods used, but need a different temporal arrangement of methods used. In other words, try getting as much information as possible while studying and then use your time off to let it sink in. 

3) Adventure learners 

Adventure learners focus on topics they find enjoyable and stay away from topics they don’t. This is a very common type and most people fit this description when learning a foreign language for fun. If you fit this description and simply dislike forcing yourself to learn things you don’t find interesting, you need to find a method to introduce these topics in a more engaging form.

You may want to look for group classes with likable and fun teachers. Supplement that with language-learning comics, animation, games or similar materials you find enjoyable. Once you find something within your interest zone, you will likely face challenges in understanding and these will spark your interest to acquire skills you wouldn’t find interesting otherwise. 

LTG Academy How to engage in online language learning

Be creative with tools and methods 

There is a common misconception that you have to choose between different methods and tools. Just use everything available to you as long as it is useful. How do you know it is? Rely on your internal feeling of progress and satisfaction. Test yourself when unsure. With that said, we want to point out several tried and tested methods and tools available to students online: 

1) Online classes with teachers 

Human brains are marvelous and no other tool is fast or reliable enough when tasked with teaching people how to speak a language. Get yourself a teacher at least in the beginning if you can afford to hire one. If that is out of your budget, look for friends speaking your target language. 

2) Step-by-step guides 

These can be found in form of a book, a series of video clips or as an online interactive program. Most learners prefer to learn in a structured way and these guides are excellent at doing that. You will know where you are and how far you need to go.

3) Enjoyable content 

This is an umbrella term used to refer to a wide range of learning tools used by people to learn a language such as TV shows, videos, games, apps, books and many other things. This is how online learning started and where you can get the most content. Not all of these resources are reliable and sometimes it may lead you to make mistakes, but remember that we use languages to communicate ideas. We use the internet to share our ideas with the rest of the world and we learn languages to be able to interpret different ideas and experience different cultures. In that sense, using online resources is the case where the means of learning meet the purpose of learning. 

Last but not least, find a good environment for studying. This includes finding a nice place to study, getting comfortable and supplying yourself with studying gear and beverages you might need so that you don’t get distracted during your study sessions.

Bear in mind that it isn’t comfort that will make you learn. Learning is work and you can do it regardless of where you are and how comfortable your chair is. Don’t let your drive to seek comfort distract you from your main goal – learning another language. You should remember you will face obstacles and hardship as we all do. You might even feel overwhelmed and tired, but if you know your style of learning and use our recommended methods, your online learning journey might become more enjoyable. It isn’t only about what you do, but how you do it!