
Get the success you deserve

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Get the success you deserve

How can you get the success you are dreaming of, but you’re often doubting that it won’t be working?

I was listening to so many successful people and I always heard their message: In order to be successful, do what you like, and you will become successful.

I thought this might be true for others, but I already tried many, many things and it didn’t work out for me.

Does this resonate with you?

What I did, I always gave up the thing. Too bad, I’d say now, because I should have continued. Today, I am convinced that it would have worked, but I gave up too early.

So, my message for you today is once again: Don’t give up. Try again and again. I will give you two examples to show you that it works, one from my personal life and one from my professional life.

I always dreamt of being able to crawl instead of doing breaststroke. I started in my thirties, with some courses. I felt so awkward at the beginning. I kept on practicing. I got better. I managed to crawl one kilometer. I kept on swimming during all the years. Today, I’m a member of the swimming club of my town and we usually swim four kilometers in the lake every Sunday. I’m not very fast, but this doesn’t matter. It gives me so much joy and energy. I can forget all my thinking during the swimming and staying in the flow. This is like magic. What I experienced in my professional life, is exactly the same pattern. I always dreamt of writing a book and I always wished to inspire other people. For three years, I’m following this path and the more energy I put into it, the more successful I became. There are days when it didn’t seem to work, but this is normal. Even the most successful people have bad days. But the most important thing is: I can restart the next morning by putting again all my energy into it. And surprisingly, it works again. The results are coming. Another crucial thing is that I don’t stop. It is a steady process. I keep on going. This is what I understood very well in my personal life, but I had not been applying this to my professional life for a long time. What helped me a lot in the last years as well, is to have mentors and coaches, who guided me in my process and who reminded me as well to not give up. I worked a lot on my mindset and on my hindering beliefs. It was mind-blowing for me that I myself and my thoughts stood sometimes in my way to succeed. I wish that you will stick to your thing and you will be having all the success you’re dreaming of since a long time.

by Esther Buerki, International Book Writing Expert, Author and Life Coach